Welcome to Where's My Security!

"Where's My Security?!?" is not your typical comic. WMS relies on a single image (Halo 3 screenshot) and text to convey an idea, which is usually (actually probably always) some kind of humor. So it's meant to be funny! Well, it's funny to me, thats why I'm making these things, as well for you to enjoy them. Even if you don't think its funny, laugh a little, you seem stressed!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Not Monday Comic

I want to thank bs angel for featuring my comic in her faux-HBO update over on the Hawty McBloggy front page. I guess that means I need to step up my production! Any new comers, welcome and enjoy!

-Andrew Kay

1 comment:

  1. Tee Hee! All to often I find myself akwardly positioned in a most inappropriate manner during my bouts in the realm of Campaign. Nice comic!
